
33 Week Baby Bump Watch

I feel very much in the home stretch now.  Anywhere from 3-7 weeks a new baby could be entering our home, a baby that we have anticipated for it seems eternity.  I can't wait to meet her little face and see her little toes, the ones that have been twinkling.  We have officially decided on the full name of our babe which we are keeping under wraps until delivery.  Picking a name is really important to us because it encompasses a lot of family tradition and memories.

I have been a bit testy and nesty lately.  The anxiety of having another child isn't overwhelming but the desire to have a special place for this Littlest of Babes is keeping me on edge.  Projects that I have been working on or thinking about working on, I feel I NEED to complete YESTERDAY.  My reading list is piling up.  My etsy searches have been heavily inspired by baby.  Plus I am working on my own Bad Little Spice Shop.  MORE TO COME SOON.  There is also a huge desire to complete a little homeschooling schedule for the Eldest Babe (it will totally help me organize my life once the babe arrives) and an accomplishment schedule for me.  Oh yes!  The homebirthing supplies need to be put in order.  Last but not least we have to figure out a carseat situation in the next couple weeks.  Will we possibly need a new car?  Yet to be seen.

Several friends have been more than generous with givings of toddler clothes, cloth diapers, nursing bras and stuff for babes.  Their generosity is so sweet, kind and selfless.  I appreciate them greatly and I hope they understand just how much.

As the weather continues to wreak havoc on our environment and my feelings I look forward to giving birth to amazingness (I'm sure!!).

Have also just ordered a Belly Cast kit.  We had booked with an amazing artist named Julie Keon but the Papa won't be able to take me.

xoxox  The Very Busy and Excited Mama

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