
22 Week Baby Bump Watch

More than half way!  The bump has really grown in the past week I feel.  Although the all day sickness has dissipated, the hotter days are really being felt.  It makes getting around so awkward.  Last week I purchased my first ever pregnancy pants.  When I showed them to the Papa he was intrigued.  He had never seen pants with an elastic for a growing belly.  My non-use of the pregnancy pant definitely showed in his amazement.

The growing bump has also made me realize that...Oh My Gosh!  We are going to have a newborn in our home very shortly.  I need to craft, I need to organize, I need to wrap my head around this.  We spent an evening in Ottawa at the G-units house because I was meeting a dear friend.  While there, I rummaged through the children's clothes closet.  All of us parents stick the clothes that the babes have grown out of there.  It was neat to go through and see clothing that both my Babes have worn and that our Littlest of Babes will have clinging to her chunky breast-fed body.

Today, I ordered her the first item from Mama.  It is a cute little onesie from Vital on Etsy.  Check it out!

Anyways, the last week has been a bust with a sickness, moving about from here to there and realization of the impending Babe.

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